driven mad by betrayal and the ghostly
cries of her dead children.
Sangre Noir has taken her literary turn
of inspiration up a notch. The entire
Sangre Noir line is part of an ongoing
narrative, a tale of the ages and of
agelessness illustrated with Noirran's
vivid style and attention to detail.
Medea is a classic in more than just
the literary sense; rich fabric in a simple
design, complicated as the woman it
Gracefully feminine, romantically tragic.
Cameo choker and chained belt included.

Grindhouse jeans and full flowing black
sweater is more suited for wandering dark
alleys and smokey bars in search of
something a little thrilling and unexpected.
The Division sweater has amazing movement
to it, and could I feel the virtual winter in SL,
I'm pretty sure this would keep the icy bite
off my poor chapped skin. ('specially if I insist
on wearing lace in freezing weather.)
The Grindhouse Dethpants are sturdy and
worn, snuggly fitted. Sweater is one of the
prizes in Munch's gatcha. Jeans came out of
her very generous lucky chairs.

Glam Affair at one of the .44 Calibre events --
the gown itself is gorgeous but the corset and
lace shirt has gotten a lot more wear from me
than the dress has. It goes with damn near
everything (multiple layers tend to do that)
but it's both a classic and classy look with any
skirt you want to wear wit it, and still makes
a statement if you wear it with jeans.
Not to go unmentioned is this amazing hair
from Discord designs in a full pack, with
matching skull tattoo layer for the turtle
shell effect of dreads.
Glasses are a subscriber gift from wonderful
Alice at Peppermint Blue.
Nose chain is a custom design from Rosie
Barthelmess at Sable Rose.
Skin is Djinn & Tonic
Eyes are Nomine Stained Contacts - anime
Scar from [<]kOwP[>] Face Tats
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