Now this gown from Made In Europe is not something I can see ever wearing outside a photo shoot, but it is awfully fine and fine and it goes perfectly (though you can't see them) with my favoritist ever fancy Rita sandals from Dona Flora. I should warn you, that you almost need a 512 plot to wear this dress, the train is that long, but it's awfully reminiscent of The King and I, and who doesn't want to think of Yul Brynner at least once a day?

The Slacks are alos from the mini hunt at O-Glam, although they are part of the men's gift at Chantkare, but they are awfully nice and sleek.
Skin: Djinn& Tonic MUA - Noirran Fair
Hair: MADesigns - Bon Corvette
Eyes: Nomine - Anime Cell Green